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Day 5: Thursday 1950

Dear Diary,
Since I am suddenly so busy all the time, I really do not have time to write. Here is a letter from a pen-pall of mine in China. She is also a mother of two boys, which is partly why we're such good friends!

Dear Anna,
Image result for 1950's hand crafted shampoo
Our "women's liberation" is just as limited as yours. Although, we did get the Marriage Law passed, which allows women free choice of marriage, easier divorce, end of concubine and child marriage. This law is wonderful because now my 12 year old niece does not have to be married off to that retched man, who is much to old for her. It also includes equal property rights for women. The Chinese Communist Party is acting so well against the opposition of pro-female change, I could not be more proud! Women are getting more jobs day after day.
Also, thank you for that hand crafted shampoo you sent me with your last letter! My hair is bouncier than ever thanks to you!
Best wishes,
Ru seems to be doing fine, I need to make her more shampoo. Oh, I've got so much to do!!
Until Tomorrow,


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